GOD The Father would not have us ignorant concerning Spiritual Gifts. Yet there are many operating in the “House of GOD” in ignorance, and also because will not take the time to rightly divide the “Word of GOD.” The first requirement for Spiritual Gifts is “You must be Born Again.” You can’t operate in the Spirit of GOD, if the Spirit of GOD is not in you. GOD gives his spirit to those that obey him (Acts 5:32). Spiritual Gifts did not just begin in the New Testament but we see them operating in the Prophets of old in the Old Testament. We also see them operating in Kings in the Old Testament. There are nine (9) Spiritual Gifts.

I Cor. 12:8 – 10

  1. The Word of Wisdom
  2. The Word of Knowledge
  3. The Gift of Faith
  4. The Gifts of Healing
  5. The Working of Miracles
  6. The Gift of Prophecy
  7. Discerning of Spirits
  8. Divers Kinds of Tongues
  9. The Interpretation of Tongues

GOD gives them severally as he will (I cor. 12:11), not as we will.  You don’t get to pick and choose which gifts ye shall receive. The Gifts come forward as we are filled with the Holy Ghost. As the Spirit of GOD falls upon us.

Acts 1:5 and vs 8

Acts 2:1 – 4

Acts 2:5 – 15 – Gifts of Divers Kinds of tongues operating amongst the Children of GOD.

Acts 2:16 – 18 – Spirit of GOD being poured out and Gifts operating.

Acts 2:30 – David a Prophet and the Gift of Prophecy operating in him. He spoke of the resurrection of Christ.

Acts 2:36 – Word of wisdom, word of Knowledge and Gifts of Healing (naturally).

Acts 3:1 – 8 – Working of Miracles

Acts 3:12 – 26 – Word of Knowledge

Acts 4:8 – 12 – Word of Knowledge (read 13 – 14 also) this shows that they knew the knowledge the apostles had, had come through Jesus

Acts 4:22 – confirms Miracle

Acts 5:1 – 10 – Discerning of Spirits (This should also bring about “The Fear of the Lord.” Ananias and his wife were the only two privy to what they had done. GOD revealed it unto Peter by his Spirit).

Acts 5:25 – 33 – Word of Wisdom

Acts 5:15 – 16 – Gifts of Healing (naturally and spiritually)

Acts 8:14 – 17 – Holy Ghost is received by the laying on of hands (They did not speak in tongues). There is more than one method to receive the Holy Ghost. When we think that way, we limit GOD. 

The book of acts is full of examples of the Spiritual Gifts being exercised in and by GOD’s Holy Apostles. The spiritual Gifts are the Power of GOD being exercised in the Children of GOD as they yield to the Spirit of GOD.

Acts 5:29 – 32 – Word of Wisdom.

Acts 6:8 – working of Miracles

Acts 7:2 – 56 Word of Wisdom

Acts 8:6 – Working of Miracles

Acts 8:6 – 8 – Gifts of Healing (Spiritual and natural)

Acts 8:14 – 16 – Laying on of Hands to receive the Holy Ghost (nothing about speaking in tongues)

Acts 8:29 – 35 – Philip witnessed to the Eunuch, also Word of Wisdom)  

Acts 9:32 – 34 – Gifts of Healing (natural)

Spiritual Gifts can be used to draw men to Christ (Acts 9:35)

Acts 9:36 – 42 – Working of Miracles

Acts 10:15 – 17 – understood in vs 28, Word of Knowledge

Acts 10:34 – 43 – Word of wisdom

Acts 10:44 – The Holy Ghost fell on them (Baptism of the Holy Ghost)

Acts 10:46 – Speak with tongues (Divers Kinds of tongues) and magnify GOD. The tongues were a sign for Peter and those of the circumcision that were with Peter (for those that believe not: GOD showed those of the circumcision that the Holy Ghost had fallen on the Gentiles, the same as it had fallen on them (the Jews).

Acts 11:15 – 16 – The Holy Ghost fell on them (this is the baptism of the Holy Ghost)

Acts 11:27 – 28 – Gift of Prophecy (Agabus was a Prophet)

Acts 13:7 – 12 – Working of Miracles (Spirit Gifts caused men to believe)

Acts 13:16 – 42 – Word of wisdom and Word of Knowledge. Though we speak it, not all will believe (this now becomes a testimony against them). Vs 43 – some continued on with them.

Acts 14:8 – 10 – Gifts of Healing (natural)

Acts 14:9 – discerning of Spirits (Paul perceived he had the faith to be healed)

Acts 14:14 – 18 – Word of wisdom (They spoke to them the wisdom of GOD, i.e. , they expounded the Wisdom of GOD)

Acts 15:7 – 11 – Word of Wisdom (Wisdom of GOD – not written in the Word) 

Acts 15:13 – 21 – Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge (as they expounded upon the scriptures; Word of Knowledge, as they impart the Wisdom of GOD; Word of Wisdom.

Acts 15:32 – Confirmation

Acts 16:3 – Paul circumcised Timothy because of the Jews not because it was a requirement (see Acts 15:20 and 29)

Acts 16:6 - 7 – Lead by the Spirit of GOD on where to go

Acts 16:9 -12 – God gave them a vision on where to go (Macedonia)

Acts 17:2-4 – Word of Knowledge (Spiritual Gift caused them to believe)

Acts 17:18-34 – Word of Wisdom (The Wisdom of God Expounded not by scripture)

Acts 18:9 - 10 – The Lord speaking directly to Paul

Acts 19:6 – Divers Kinds of Tongues an

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