In these last and evil days, there are so many people that believe they are serving GOD or that they are a Christian. This is the trick of the enemy, i.e. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12).  They are in love with the idea of being a “Christian,” but they don’t want the life that comes along with being a Christian. They are trying to take a “shortcut,” not understanding (because they are not being taught), nor willing to go through the requirement of “Being Born Again.” They will tell you, “I believe in GOD, or I am a Christian,” without understanding what this means? Christ said, “If they come any other way, they are a thief and a robber (John 10:1). 

Some of this falls on the Pastors or Leaders of the Church because they are not willing to tell them the truth. (My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, i.e. Hosea 4:6), for fear of losing members, and money (You must be “Born Again,” i.e. John 3:3 - 7). The rest falls on the individual as they are not willing to read and study the Word of GOD or to seek GOD’s face (in love with this life and this world). Man would like the WORD of GOD to conform to their lifestyle, instead of conforming their lifestyle to the WORD of GOD.  Christ said, “How can you say that you love me, and do not the things that I say” (Matthew 7:25 – 27).

If you are not living according to “The Word of GOD,” you are not a Christian. If you are not following the teachings of “Our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, you are not a Christian. If you have not the Spirit of GOD (received the Gift of GOD, i.e. Holy Ghost), dwelling in you, you are not a Christian. Everything Christ spoke and taught, he received of the Father “GOD.” What guideline are you following? How are you maintaining a “standard in Christ,” if you don’t know what the standard is?

Throughout the Word, the LORD is continually showing us that GOD expects “growth in our walk.” The parable of the talents (Matthew 13: 3 – 9), the parable of the pounds (Luke 19: 11 - 27). Which of us having a child, expects our baby to remain a baby all of its life. As it is in the “natural,” so it is in the “Spiritual.” GOD expects us to grow spiritually. Each day in your spiritual walk you should be growing (evolving in GOD). “That you might grow up into him” (Ephesians 4:15, grow into Christ). Christ told us to take his yoke upon us and to learn of Him (Matthew 11:29 – 30). How can you say you are a Christian and yet you know nothing about Christ? Who He is, what He said and what GOD expects of you. 

There are sheep and there are goats. Which are you? What is the difference between a sheep and a goat in The Word of GOD? Christ’s sheep know there “Master’s” voice and another they will not follow (John 10:4 – 5) (if it were possible, even the elect of GOD would be deceived, Matthew 24:24. However, it is not possible to deceive GOD’s elect). A goat will eat anything and do whatever he wants to do. Sheep listen and follow (The Word of GOD and the Spirit of GOD, they are led by the Spirit of GOD). A goat will do whatever everyone else is doing and or whatever they want to do. They will follow anything and anybody. They are not obedient unto The Word of GOD or The Spirit of GOD. Sheep will inherit The Kingdom of GOD and Eternal Life. Goats will find themselves in Hell being in torment (Luke 16: 19 – 31) because they have not followed or kept the Word of GOD.  

The sheep are chosen by GOD (Matthew 20:16Matthew 22:14John 15:19). The LORD has chosen us out of this world. Many want to have it both ways and you can’t. They want GOD and want the world also (1John 2:15). You can’t love GOD and the world also (a man can’t serve two masters). As we continue to walk in the LORD daily (studying his word, praying, praising, fasting, talking with the LORD) we continue to grow. Each day the LORD is showing us something new. As we seek GOD’s face, he will continue to impart unto us: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, we will grow in our faith towards GOD … Just as the disciples walked with Christ daily, we should be walking with him daily. The more we get into “The WORD of GOD,” the more we begin to understand the concept of GOD (who GOD is, what he requires of us, who we are to grow into, i.e. Christ – Ephesians 4:15). We as a child of GOD should be constantly evolving in GOD. GOD will take us to higher heights and deeper depths. What am I saying, there are levels in GOD? 

How do we reach these levels of growth? The only way we move to the next level is through our seeking after GOD. Each day, each week, each month and year in GOD we should be growing spiritually. We should not be going through the same things constantly, or over and over again, and not understanding why. We should be asking GOD the question of why, or what is going on? LORD, what are you trying to show me or teach me?  If we are not asking these questions, then this means we are not getting or understanding the lesson that GOD is trying to show us or teach us. GOD will let you keep going through the same thing until “you,” get tired of it. It is “you,” who must make the change or be willing to change. GOD will not force us to do anything. 

As we begin to yield to the Spirit of GOD and be led of The Spirit of GOD, and obey the will of GOD we can move forward in this walk. We can then move to another level in GOD. The Apostles did not start out as Apostles. GOD, The Father, allows for our growth. However, we often don’t allow for growth in one another, nor sometimes do we encourage it. We need to keep one another in remembrance of what the WORD says. That is what the LORD requires us to do. We have become afraid to ask the questions that must be asked of all that say they are a Christian.

1. Have you received Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior? 
2. Have you been “Born again” (Of the water and of The Spirit)?
3. Have you received The Gift of GOD, i.e. The Holy Ghost? 

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