The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, he hath anointed me to speak!

Apostle Study is the first Minister/Ministry Study as it is the first Ministry in the New Testament established by Christ, during his Ministry while on earth in the flesh. Those chosen for this ministry were each hand-picked by The LORD to serve. This was done for a reason, as the Apostles would be the men of GOD chosen by Christ to be trained in the “Word of GOD and concerning The Church, and The Children of GOD.” They are then and now are to be “Church builders,” men chosen by the Lord to go forth and establish the House of GOD after Christ was crucified and ascended. 

This ministry is one of the five ministries (Ephesians 4:11) that the Lord established for the House of GOD. A man of GOD must be chosen into it by the Father and not just assumed. A love that is never tiring of the Word of GOD, nor the opportunity to teach others. As it should be with all true Children of GOD, the Apostle of GOD sees it as an honor to be chosen of GOD in their capacity. To serve others in service to the Father is what enhances their joy knowing the Father is pleased with their commitment. A commitment for life, unto their death in this world.

The Holy Scriptures support the Apostle Ministry as being established by Christ first seen in Matthew 10:2 and also with the other ministries in Ephesians 4:11 -12 (for the work of The Ministry). Apostles are the First Ministry of the Christian Church established for the purpose of leading the House of GOD and training of the other ministries, to bring them online with the Word of GOD (see: The Acts of The Apostles). In 1 Corinth: 12:28 you see the order in the House of GOD Apostle being first and as its leader.  

Some would say today “there are no more Apostles.” They are all dead. Again read Eph. 4:11 and 1 Corinth: 12:28. GOD hath set some in the Church. At no time does the word say he removed them. They were meant to be an ongoing ministry in The House of GOD and to The Church. In Ephesians 4:11, Christ gave them to the Church when he ascended up and outlined their purpose. Before the day of Pentecost in Acts 1:26, the eleven Apostle cast lots to replace an Apostle and Matthias was chosen after the original twelve, there we see an Apostle being added to replace Judas to continue, not to end. We can also reference Barnabas, Paul, James the brother of our Lord and others called and added to the Apostleship. 

The Apostles were established first as the Lord saw it necessary to lead the House of GOD, to uphold order and doctrine by the Word of GOD within The Church of GOD. In the establishing of the physical church and the unity of it,  the Apostles would write “Epistles,” to The Churches for instruction, correction, rebuke and reproof. These epistles were written for all situations and to be reminders of Christ life, his death and resurrection. This is why Christ taught, trained and nurtured them concerning the will of GOD by the Word of GOD. His purpose was that they might be rooted and grounded in Word and in deed, examples, so they could in turn, teach and train the Church of GOD, other Apostles, Pastors, Prophets, Teachers and Evangelist according to The Doctrine of OUR LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Their beginning was expounding and writing the Holy scriptures (by The Holy Ghost) based on the things they witnessed, experienced, heard and were told the Lord spoke and taught. As the Apostles of old the Apostles today are required to do the same things! Ambassadors, and Oracles concerning the things of GOD. If any man speaks, let him speak as the Oracles of GOD (1 Peter 4:11). “The Word says.” “It is written.” Not I think, I feel, I believe. 

In the book of Acts, we see the Churches being formed by the Leaders of the church, (The Acts of The Apostles) in the different cities; Jerusalem, at Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth, Galatia, Rome, etc.). During the establishing, there were no women apostles chosen (by Christ, The Holy Ghost or written in the Holy Scriptures). None then, and there are none now no matter what the religious world says. When we look in the four Gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) we see that Christ chose twelve men. This was no accident. The word says, man the head over the woman. For whatever reason many women will pick up the Title and will even try to wear the mantle of an Apostle. But this is not what was established or the order according to our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. The Word does not support women Apostles. There are no examples in The Word of GOD/Holy Bible. It is a trick of the devil and desire of mankind for notoriety and to bring women out of that glorified place our Father has given them. This ministry is a man/male leadership position (I Corinth 11:3 and I Tim 2:14).

There are also many men who would take on the “Title” of Apostle and also try to wear the mantle but have not been called to the Apostleship by GOD or into this ministry. Our Father has an order. That order is by the leading of the Lord;  Called, Chosen and Confirmed by the Spirit of GOD in you and the Spirit of GOD in someone else. You then must know whether or not GOD has Called and Chosen you to be an Apostle of “The Most High GOD.” Realizing, they that walk righteously in this ministry know it is not something to be taken lightly. Read 1 Corinth. 4:9-16James 3:1Luke 12:48Phil 1:15 - 21. But know this that all that take on the “title” or call themselves “Apostle,” will be held accountable in this Ministry as an Apostle. 

An Apostle’s job is also to defend the Word, guard the Church and The Children of GOD against the enemy, the religious world, false doctrine and false ministers to include Apostles, according to the Holy Scriptures, by the Spirit of GOD. We are to mark them as false Apostles as we know to do. The Spirit of GOD will reveal to The Children of GOD anything else. Christ said “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and a stranger will they not follow, for they will know not the voice of strangers (John 10:27 and John 10:5). If they are “Sheep” we don’t have to worry about them. If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect; Matt: 24:24 (it is not possible to deceive GOD’s “elect, called, chosen, wheat, sheep). 

There are many false Apostles that walk about, and are servants of the devil. We know that Satan’s ministers are transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinth. 11:14). Christ said leave them alone “and now the axe is laid to the root, every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit will be hewn down and cast into the fire (Matt. 3:10).

Eph. 4:4-6; One LORD (Jesus Christ), One Faith (in GOD), One Baptism (all in the same Spirit/Holy Ghost), One Father “GOD” who is “above all, and in you all, and through you all,“ One Holy Ghost/Spirit of GOD, One Word of GOD, One Body of Christ, One Church, that we all speak the same things and that we all teach the same things, till they are brought into The Unity of The Faith (the Children of GOD unified in their Faith Towards GOD), No schism in the Body (The Body of Christ on one accord). I am The Oracle of GOD, The example of Christ, the Ambassador for Christ, “I am The Apostle of the Most High GOD.” This is what the Apostle must know and understand, that this is who they are in GOD!

Apostles are handpicked by GOD, selected for the work (Acts 13:2). GOD will put much teaching and training and experiences into his Apostle to mold them and fashion them to be who he wants them to be. The Apostle of GOD is full of the Holy Ghost, The Word of GOD and the Power of GOD. Focused on the Word of GOD and its righteous application. When Chosen, most Apostles are often times elevated from another ministry as Paul and others but is not true in all cases (James the Lord’s brother). It is not a calling for novice or ambitious men. Most will not start out in the ministry as an Apostle, but are elevated from the ministry of GOD’s Pastor, Prophet, Teacher or Evangelist (see Acts 13:1 – 3, 14:14 - the next mention of Paul and Barnabas is as Apostles).  

A True Apostle of GOD will love GOD, The Word Of GOD, The Children of GOD and The Church, with a love that is unfathomable,  coming from the Father. They don’t do it for money (a hireling), out of envy, or strife. They will guard The House of GOD against anything and anybody contrary to the Word of GOD. Defenders against those that would lead the Children of GOD into bondage, captivity,  false doctrines or evil ways. Those that would prey upon the women in the house of GOD for their own pleasure or purpose. Dogs, who claim to be GOD’s, but have no knowledge or understanding of the calling of a true Apostle.

As an Apostle, the mission is to the Church of GOD (worldwide) first and only. The authority given us by GOD is to the true Church of GOD worldwide and His people. Speaking only about things concerning The True Church of GOD (worshippers of GOD in Spirit and in Truth), the True Born Again Children of GOD (born of the Fire, Water and of the Holy Spirit). Those things concerning the Apostle of GOD is written in the Word of GOD and examples given and shown so we as an Apostle are without excuse. (The Acts of The Apostles, also the writings of each Apostle in the new Testament, etc.). We see the example of our Brother Paul and the sacrifice of being a true Apostle in 1 Cor 9: 1 – 19. These are the things we as an Apostle must be willing and able to do for GOD as his Holy Apostle. 

Many who came up in The Body of Christ, the work that I was raised and nurtured in, are without excuse as GOD gave us an example of a true Church Apostle, whom we were able to sit at his feet and learn from and grow. We saw his faith, his tireless efforts, love for GOD and all things of Him. We saw his successes and failures as an example to us to make us better in our serving of GOD and not to make the same mistakes. He believed, nothing beats a failure but a try. Prove GOD! He was a man as we are men, but a man of GOD, Spirit filled, who taught us according to the true Word of GOD. GOD has, and is now giving us more and requiring more. To serve him faithfully and fully; heart, mind, body, soul and might according to what he has shown us and given unto us as an example. Not once did this Apostle call himself “Chief Apostle,” as some would do today knowing and understanding our “Head” is Jesus Christ. This is the humbleness we all should possess, and humbleness is a "key" characteristic in GOD.

We are not to be slack in our mission towards the Church of GOD, to teach and train, (prepare The Bride of Christ) the Church of GOD according to the Word of GOD. Our focus should be on studying, studying and more (2 Tim. 2:15). Learning “the Word of GOD (Acts 6:2),  working the Harvest (wheat), reconciling souls back to GOD, to feed “The Sheep (Born Again Children of GOD). 

Our Father is not interested in us teaching goats. We can’t convert a goat (as in the natural, and so it is in the spiritual). Christ was not trying to convert the Pharisees but spoke truth so those that were his would hear his voice and come out from among them. As it was then, so it is now, i.e. “My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow.” Christ even told them, “I am not come but for “The lost “Sheep” of the House of Israel.” The “world” is not Children of GOD, they are His creation. 

We also know there are two types of children in the House of GOD; obedient and dis-obedient. Christ gave an example when he spoke concerning the man that had two sons and he told them to go forth and do and the one said I will, and did nothing and the other said no, but repented and went forth and did what his Father told him to do (Matthew 21:28).  So, it is now, with the Children of disobedience (sitting in the House of GOD, who choose to purposely not do the will of GOD, knowing what the Word of GOD says, whose end is destruction).

An Apostle must know who they are and receive who they are in order to do anything for GOD! Without accepting who you are and walking confidently, in 
it daily, you will indeed fail. Apostles are the checks and balances for each other and all else in The House of GOD. There is no lone stranger Apostle. No island unto themselves. Just as there is no “Chief Apostle.” One above all others.  This is how and when we begin to do our own thing and to get away from the teachings of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. As he was a servant, so are we. As an Apostle of GOD we will always subject ourselves to The Word of GOD and The Spirit of GOD!

GOD gives us all things by the Spirit in these manners:

 1). By The Spirit of GOD
 2.) By The Word of GOD (Spirit)
 3.) By Revelation knowledge (Spirit) 

We see revelation knowledge when GOD spoke through James concerning the Gentiles and circumcision ( see Acts 15:13 – 20), however, read the entire chapter). This is also an example of the Apostles coming together to determine a matter concerning “The Church of GOD.” After this was done, a letter was sent out to all the Churches of GOD. This is what Apostles do, come together on matters concerning The Church of GOD and The Children of GOD when necessary. This is why we take time to discuss things with one another, to hear spiritually, making sure that what we are receiving is online concerning the things needed for the Church. “Iron sharpens Iron" but remember, one must be more abrasive, and one must be still for this to work. Meaning, be Still and LISTEN! That is why it is imperative that the Apostles of GOD communicate with one another.

The Apostles of GOD all spoke and taught the same things (Jesus Christ, and him crucified). If you read the four gospels and the Epistles written to The Church in the New Testament, they are all speaking and saying the same thing. Each Apostles message is the same. Many times, they are dealing with different issues within “The Church,” but always to bring the Church online with the Word of GOD, according to The teachings of Our LORD and savior, Jesus Christ.    

There are many who present themselves or claim to be the Apostle of GOD, yet do not understand the ministry, nor how to be used by GOD so that GOD might be glorified. Though the examples of an Apostle are clearly given within the Word of GOD they refuse to “read” and “study” the Word and conform to what GOD has set in order. 

It is good to teach and to be taught as I am continually being taught each and every day by The Spirit of GOD. When we become unteachable GOD can’t use you for his purpose. We will never know all there is to learn in GOD (not in this life). GOD does however want us to evolve in him continually. Why? The Word of GOD is talking about spiritual things and only applies to those that are spiritual (see 1 Cor 2:14). We must evolve spiritually so the things of GOD (doctrine, WORD, Spirit, etc.) can be taught by those that have the Spirit of GOD dwelling in them. 

If you believe that GOD has called you to be his Apostle, and are teachable and willing to learn and that GOD has sent you to this study, the study will cover the following:

The New Testament by order (all letters and books)

Job - Wisdom

Psalms - Wisdom

Proverbs - Wisdom

Ecclesiastes - Wisdom

The remainder of the Old Testament

An Apostle of GOD must know the Word of GOD and speak as The Oracle of GOD and as a Servant of GOD. GOD the Father has blessed the Apostles of GOD with many examples of righteous teaching throughout his Word. It is inexcusable for an Apostle of The Most High GOD to say, “I didn’t know without asking an answer,” or “I was never

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