In his teachings Our LORD and Savior Christ Jesus talks about two Kingdoms – The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of GOD. We as children of GOD must understand the difference between the two. They both belong to GOD the Father, and he (GOD) is King in both. The Kingdom of GOD, proceeded forth out of the Kingdom of Heaven (for Christ was with GOD the Father in Heaven).
In The Book of John Chapter 3, Christ is speaking with Nicodemus concerning the Kingdom of GOD. He lets him know that the Kingdom of GOD is a spiritual kingdom and unless we are “Born Again,” we cannot see it nor can we enter into it. Each time we go “natural” or “carnal,” we are no longer walking in the Kingdom of GOD. When we are “Born Again” we are being “reborn” as a spiritual being (going from natural to spiritual), and we become a part of a spiritual family, born of the Spirit of GOD (Holy Ghost). GOD is a Spirit, and those that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship him. We should now be walking in the Kingdom of GOD daily (spiritual). We should be walking after the Spirit and not after the flesh, now being led of the Spirit and not after the flesh. We should be seeking the Kingdom of GOD and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto us (Matt: 6:33) (seeking to walk spiritually, and being led by the Spirit of GOD).
In Matt: 12:28, Christ is telling them that the Kingdom of GOD is now on the seen (upon you). Christ brought the Kingdom of GOD with him, the Kingdom of GOD is operating right now, here on earth. The power of the Holy Ghost operating in Christ (GOD giveth him the Spirit, without measure). This would continue while Christ was on earth and afterward he would pray the Father and GOD would send the Holy Ghost to remain and operate in us. The Kingdom of GOD is operating here on earth through those that receive the Holy Ghost (Spirit of GOD). Those that will now be baptized with and filled with the Spirit of GOD, those who will be able to cast out Satan, by the Spirit of GOD. Matt: 21:31 – 32 - Christ is telling the Chief Priests and the Elders that the publicans and the harlots will enter the Kingdom of GOD before them (repent, receive his word and be born again and become spiritual, before them), be able to receive spiritual things. Matt: 21:42 – 44 – That the Kingdom of GOD would be taken from them, and given to the Children of promise (believers), that would serve GOD. In the Book of Mark 1: 21 – 34, 39 – 44, we see Christ operating in the Kingdom of GOD throughout these verses (using the Holy Ghost to cast out devils, heal the sick, all through the power of GOD here on earth). This was the example of how the Kingdom of GOD should be operating in us, daily. This continues in Mark 2: 5 – 12 (the Kingdom of GOD operating in and through Christ (should be the same with us today.
- Mark 4:11 – 12 - It is given unto them to know, because Christ is with them and can explain it to them.
- Mark 4:26 – 29 – The kingdom of GOD is a seed that is meant to grow in us and we in Christ.
- Mark 4: 30 – 32 – The Kingdom of GOD compared to a mustard seed and how it is meant to grow in us and bring forth.
- Mark 9: 1 - Christ again letting us know the kingdom of GOD was now here on earth
- Mark 10: 14 – 15 this goes back to John 3, when Christ told Nicodemus “ye must be being born again (except ye become as a child).”
- Mark 10:23 – 27 – Not that they can’t enter in, but will hardly enter in, because they can’t put spiritual things, before natural things (their focus is on their possessions (natural)).
- Mark 12:34 – He was not far from receiving spiritual things.
- Mark 14:25 – Christ would drink no more of the fruit of the vine in that fleshly body (I drink it new)
: The Kingdom of Heaven is where we should be striving to get into and want to be, for GOD lives and his throne resides in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt: 5:34, 5:45, 5:48, 6:1, 6:9, 7:11, 7:21, 10:32, 10:33, 11:25, 12:50,15:13, 16:17, 18:10, 18:14, 18:19, 18:35, 23:9, Matt: 23:22). Our lives should be lived Holy and righteous that we might make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ refers to GOD throughout his preaching as “Our Heavenly Father – your Father is in Heaven (ye which are spiritual). The Kingdom of Heaven is the end result for the Children of GOD. GOD the Father dwells in the Kingdom of Heaven.
When John the Baptist began preaching, he was saying, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (Matt: 3:2).” He was the messenger, paving the way for Christ coming (Christ would be the key to getting into the Kingdom of Heaven, no man cometh unto the Father except through him). When Christ began preaching, he was saying, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand (Matt: 4:17).” John was paving the way for Christ, who would become the key for us being able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and see GOD the Father. We should be preaching that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (Christ Jesus the way to get into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt: 10:7)
- Matt: 4:10 – The righteous shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven
- Matt: 4:20 – except our righteous exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, we can’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven
- Matt: 5:19 – Who shall be least and who shall be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
- Matt: 6:1 – We want our reward to come from Our father which is in heaven, if you want to be seen of men (the praise of men), you have no reward from GOD
- Matt: 7:21 – Not everyone that saith LORD, LORD shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven (we must do the will of the Father which is in Heaven in order to make it in).
- Matt: 8:11 – Christ mentions people who will be in the Kingdom of Heaven ( Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).
- Matt: 11:11 – Christ is least in the Kingdom of Heaven (humility, he who would be least would be greatest)
- Matt: 11:12 – Christ is saying from the days of John the Baptist until now (when he comes on the seen), the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force (they fought against John the Baptist (Kingdom of Heaven is at hand), they even slew him and cut his head off, and now they are fighting against Christ (Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand), and will crucify him (the enemy does not want the Kingdom of Heaven to be preached and is warring against it.
- Matt: 13:11 – It was given unto the disciples to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven (Spiritual things) because Christ was with them who was full of the Spirit; GOD gave it to him without measure John: 3:34).
- Matt: 13:19 – the word of the Kingdom, is the word of GOD (Spiritual things) the words which Christ spoke and which we speak.
- Matt: 13:24 – Christ uses a parable to describe the Kingdom of Heaven, he is showing how the enemy is always trying to destroy the Kingdom of Heaven, and how he will be amongst us (Job 1:6), but we need to do our job and let GOD do his job.
- Matt: 13:31 – another parable, which Christ uses to show how, the Word of GOD should be growing in us, and we in the Word of GOD (we should be increasing the Kingdom of Heaven; i.e. showing and teaching others the way to get into the Kingdom of Heaven).
- Matt: 13:38 – The good seed are the children of the Kingdom – we are the ones that should be furthering the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Matt: 13:43 – The righteous shall shine forth in the Kingdom of Heaven (Kingdom of the Father).
- Matt: 13:44 – this is how we should be striving to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Matt: 13:45-46 – Nothing should be more important than to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Matt: 13: 47–50 - The Kingdom of Heaven is to go out to all, but only they, which receive, will make it in.
- Matt: 13:52 – Christ is saying that if we are instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven, we are able to use all the “word,” old and new.
- Matt: 16:19 – the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven is Christ, and the word that we speak concerning Jesus Christ and him crucified. Christ was also giving the children of GOD authority here on earth (to bind and to loose, also see matt: 18:18).
- Matt: 16:28 – The disciples (except Judas) were going to see Christ coming in his Kingdom (after having ascended to Heaven).
- Matt: 18:3 – We must be “converted (born again)” and become as a child (child of GOD, ready to receive) or we cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Matt: 18:4 – humility is the key to becoming greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Matt: 18:19 – If we shall be in agreement “as touching,” GOD will honor our request.
- Matt: 18:23 – 35 - Christ showing how GOD has forgiven us and how we should also, forgive others.
- Matt: 19:14 – We must become as a child in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (see Matt: 18:3).
- Matt: 19:23 – Christ is saying that the rich shall “Hardly (it is very difficult, because they trust in their riches) enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Matt: 20: 1-16 – Christ explains what the Kingdom of Heaven is going to be like. That men will be coming in up until closing time. We need to work and not be concerned with what they get.
- Matt: 21: 28 – 32 - Christ is telling the Chief Priests and the Elders that the publicans and the harlots will enter the Kingdom of GOD before them (repent, receive his word and be born again and become spiritual, before them).
- Matt: 21:33 – 44 – The Kingdom of GOD shall be taken from them and given to a nation (believers) bringing forth the fruits of the kingdom of GOD (spiritual fruits). This passage is also showing the Kingdom of Heaven suffering Violence and the violent taking it by force in verses 33 – 39.
- Matt: 22:1 – 14 – This is showing exactly what it is like getting into the Kingdom of Heaven. The call went out to the Jews first and they rejected. GOD then opens the door to all. He is then letting us know we can’t get in if we don’t have on a wedding garment (have not been converted). The last portion is what we should understand most the calling goes out to many, however we are chosen by GOD (few there be that find it).
- Matt: 23 – 13 – Christ is showing how they were preventing men from getting into the Kingdom of Heaven by their doctrine (they won’t accept Christ and they are trying to prevent others from accepting Christ).
- Matt: 25: 1 - 13 – This parable is showing the difference between those that were in Christ (truly accepted Christ and are serving GOD according to his Word) and those that were playing Church (Matt 7: 21 – 23). Those that are playing Church are left behind (did not get into the Kingdom of heaven) and cannot enter in (verses 11 – 13).
- Matt: 25:14 – 30 – This parable is showing us that GOD expects us to do something with what he has given unto us. If we do nothing with what GOD has given us, even that which we have shall be taken away.
- Note: Christ was showing how the Pharisee’s emphasis was on natural things and they could not see or understand spiritual (Matt: 23 – 2 – 39). They could not enter the Kingdom of GOD (spiritual kingdom).
- Luke: 4:43 – We preach the Kingdom of GOD (spiritual things, to those who will receive it,..i.e. those who will become spiritual).
- Luke: 6:20 - 23 – Christ is now talking about who will inherit the Kingdom of GOD, and what their reward will be in the kingdom of Heaven.
- Luke 7:28 – He that is least in the kingdom of GOD is greater than John the Baptist. Why? Because Christ was speaking concerning himself (Christ is least in the Kingdom of GOD, his humility made him so).
- Luke: 8:10 It is given unto them to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD (spiritual things), because Christ was there with them to explain it to them. If you are not willing to yield to the spirit, you can’t understand, because Christ was speaking spiritual things.
- Luke: 9:26 - 27 – Christ was letting his disciple know (the 12) that they would be alive to see him come in his Glory, and his Father’s glory, and of the holy angels (resurrected from the dead), all but Judas, who would hang himself.
- Luke: 9:60 – Preach the kingdom of GOD (the power of GOD here on earth, given to men, spiritual things, and what we can do in the Spirit).
- Luke: 9:62 – This scripture kills the idea of what is spoken by the church today (backslider). Christ says if they put their hand to the plow and look back (go back into the world), they are not fit for the Kingdom of GOD (spiritual things). Also read Hebrew 6:1 – 6.
- Luke: 10:9 – The Kingdom of GOD is near you (the power of GOD operating through his Children, here on earth), it is hear on earth.
- Luke: 10:11 – If they don’t receive you, still know that the kingdom of GOD was come unto you. Whether they receive it or not, It does not take away from who we are (if they didn’t receive the master, what makes you think, they are going to receive you?).
- Luke:11:20 – Christ letting the people know that if he was casting out Satan by the power of GOD, than the Kingdom of GOD was come unto them (Christ brought the Kingdom with him).
- Luke:12:31 – Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD (spiritual things) and the natural things shall be added unto you.
- Luke:12:32 – GOD the Father wants to give us spiritual things.
- Luke:13:18 – 19 – The Kingdom of GOD – when it is planted it is small, but it should be growing and branching out to a point that many can come and lodge.
- Luke:13: 20 – 21 – Again showing the Kingdom of GOD, when planted should grow and spread.
- Luke:13: 28 - 29 – Christ letting them know, that those that did not make it in will be able to see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of GOD, but they will be on the outside looking in. He is letting us know that the children of GOD will come from all over into the Kingdom of GOD.
- Luke:14:15 – We are seeing how one that heard the Word, received the word that Christ spoke concerning the Kingdom of GOD.
- Luke:16:16 – The Kingdom of GOD (Christ being the way to GOD) is being preached from the time of John (John the Baptist) until now and men are pressing their way to get in.
- Luke:17:20 - 21 – The Kingdom of GOD cometh not with observation (it is a spiritual kingdom that can’t be seen with the natural eye). The Kingdom of God is the spirit of GOD dwelling in us (his children).
- Luke:18:16 - 17 – We must become as a child (born again) in order to receive “The Kingdom of GOD.” The Kingdom of GOD is composed of the Children of GOD.
- Luke:18:24 – 25 – They that have riches, shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of GOD (didn’t say they would not). It is because they place their emphasis on natural (riches), rather than spiritual.
- Luke:18:29 – 30 – Whatever we leave in this life for the Kingdom of GOD sake we shall get back even more in this life, and in the world to come, everlasting life.
- Luke: 21:31 – The Kingdom of God is spoken about in this verse as Christ coming (we, the children of GOD, should look for these signs).
- Luke:22:16 – 18 – Christ was saying he would not eat or drink with them anymore until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of GOD. In Mark 14:25 he said he would not drink with them anymore until he drank it “new” in the Kingdom of GOD. He is talking about after he has been glorified (ascended unto the Father).
- John: 3:3 – Jesus is setting forth the requirement for a man to be able to “see” the Kingdom of GOD (“you must be born Again”). This requirement applies to all who desire to see GOD. (Again the Kingdom of GOD is a spiritual kingdom)
- John:3:5 – Christ now puts forth the requirement for being able to “enter” the Kingdom of GOD (“born of the water and of the Spirit”). The water in this verse is represented by Water Baptism (Mark 16:16, Romans 6:3 – 11, 1 Peter 3:21.” Baptism allows us to be partakers in Christ death and his resurrection. The water symbolizes a grave. The old man being buried and the new man being resurrected and now walking in the newness of life; “Born Again."
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD. We must receive the Word of GOD, believe on Jesus Christ Our LORD and be baptized. Christ our LORD set the standard as he himself was baptized by John. We must receive and have the Spirit of GOD in us in order to enter the Kingdom of GOD (born of the water and Spirit). Christ has set forth a requirement that will not change. Water baptism does nothing for us if we have not received the Word of GOD and have not the Spirit of GOD in us. Christ is talking about a spiritual change. That which is born of flesh is flesh (natural or carnal). That which is born of Spirit is spirit. We come into this world through natural birth. To become spiritual, we must receive the Word of GOD, be baptized (water) and be born of the Spirit of GOD (Holy Ghost).
I John: 5:7 – 8 Three that bear record in Heaven (Father, The Word and The Holy Ghost), these three are “one.” Three that bear witness in earth, The Spirit (Holy Ghost) and the water (baptism, being baptized into Christ death and resurrection) and the blood (the Lamb of GOD, Christ blood shed for our sins), and these three agree in one (1 John 5:8). Water and Spirit agree (one LORD (Christ), one Faith (Christ the Word of GOD), one baptism (baptism of the Holy Ghost, as we receive Christ). They all agree in one that Jesus Christ is LORD.
Living Water is “The Spirit Of GOD.” See John:4:10 – 14, John:7:37 – 39.
Water and Spirit agree in one (Christ).
As there are three that bear record in Heaven (Father, The Word (Jesus) and The Holy Ghost (Spirit of GOD), there are also three that bear witness in earth, The Spirit (Holy Ghost), and the water (water baptism), and the blood (Christ blood). These three agree in one (Christ) and that Jesus Christ is LORD! GOD has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes. John 5:6 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood.
There are different connotations in the Word of GOD concerning “water,”; i.e., “water’ and ‘living water.” We need to have and understanding of their definitions.
*note see John:6:53 – 56 (Christ blood)