In order for us to understand who we are we must understand the Godhead.  We must also understand the Spirit of GOD and be Spiritual minded. One of the key scriptures in “the Word of GOD,” is 1 Cor. 2: 14. When we are natural or carnal minded we cannot receive the things of the Spirit of GOD (we can’t hear, see or walk in the Spirit). The Word of GOD is talking about Spiritual things, and we must be spiritual in order to receive them.  Jesus was always talking Spiritual. He never talked natural, he used natural examples, but he was always speaking from a Spiritual standpoint (beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, i.e., he was not talking about bread (Matt. 6: 6 – 12). When GOD created man he created him to live forever. Because of Man’s disobedience this changed.

I John 5: 7 - 8 There are three that bear record in heaven: Father, Son and Holy Ghost (these three are one). Jesus and the Holy Ghost were with the Father in the beginning. Jesus is “The Word of Life.” The words he spoke are life (John 1:1-4). In him was life and the life was the light of men. Jesus was revealed unto man (us).

John 1: 1 - 12  In Jesus was Life (all life force). This life created all things. This life is Spirit. This life is the light of men (the spirit that is in man). Jesus was full of the Spirit (vs. 9). The true light that lightest every man that cometh into the world. We cannot exist without life. Gen 1:1 – 7 and vs. 26. Let us make (us: Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Jesus made man (Col 1:15 – 17) and put the put the spirit (life) in man, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.   

If GOD should withdraw his Spirit to himself there would be no life.  The Spirit giveth life. In him we move and breathe and have our very being (in his Spirit). John 1: 12 – 13 is talking about us being born of the Spirit. Christ purpose was to have the Spirit man reconciled back to GOD (1 Cor. 15:50 - flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD). We cannot walk in the Kingdom of GOD in the flesh (it is a Spiritual Kingdom). GOD is a Spirit and those that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth.

The constant war that we talk about is between the Spirit and the flesh (they are contrary one to the other). The flesh will keep us from being who and what we need to be in GOD Spiritually (that is why you are continually under natural attacks (family, job, finances, marriage, etc.) Everything that Christ did we can do (“These things that I do, will you do also and greater than these because I go back unto my Father”). We can walk on water; we can move mountains, if we allow the Spirit of God to have his way.

I John 5: 11 – 12 – Eternal Life is in Jesus Christ (The Son of GOD). If you hath not Christ, you John 3:36 John the Baptist is speaking. I John 5: 12 – John the Apostle is speaking and yet they are saying the exact same thing. This is how we know that they are speaking by the Spirit of GOD

In John Chapter 4 (verses 21 -24) Christ is speaking with the Samaritan woman and he lets her know that GOD is a Spirit, and those that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. He was explaining to her the relationship we must have with GOD if we are going to serve him. Many can’t grasp this relationship as they have not been “Born Again,” or filled with the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost. Because of this they try to serve GOD in the flesh. Doing what they consider “good things, or good deeds. Etc. Not understanding that GOD is not interested in your flesh. God is interested in your spirit (know ye not that flesh, and blood shall not inherit The Kingdom of GOD). 

GOD’s kingdom is a spiritual kingdom! In order to walk in his kingdom, we must be spiritual. This requires a renewing of your mind daily. Stop looking at things through natural eyes and begin to see them through spiritual eyes. How do we do this? We must be led by The Spirit of GOD. Acknowledge him in “all” thy ways and he will direct your path. This means checking in with GOD before you do something, not afterwards. 

Jesus set the example for us in Matthew 4:1 (Then was Jesus led of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil). He didn’t just arbitrarily go; he was led of the spirit. This is how we must be as we serve GOD. Not doing our own thing but being led by the Spirit of GOD. Father where do you want me to go, what do you want me to do. When we do this, we will always please GOD! How do I become a spiritual being? After I have repented, accepted Jesus Christ as my LORD and Saviour, been Born Again, filled with the Holy Ghost there should be a change. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Behold old things have passed away, all things have become new! This means, I am no longer doing my own thing, but I am now being led by The Spirit. I need to now begin to renew my mind. How do I do this? By getting into the Word of GOD and studying. Not just reading, but studying. If I am going to follow Christ example, I need to know who Christ is what he said and what GOD The Father is requiring of us. How do I become a “Son Of GOD?”          

You cannot receive Eternal life without receiving Jesus Christ!

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