“Hear what the Spirit has to say!” “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first (II Thess: 2:3).” This falling away that is being referenced in the Word is not talking about or to “Sinner Man,” but to the Children of GOD, the Church. This is in reference to Saints, Ministers, Elders, Bishops and even Apostles, falling away. During “this time,” we are allowing the enemy to lull us to sleep.
Whilst men slept (Matt:13:25) the enemy has done this. We are so caught up in the world and in “this time” that we are not watching (watch and pray) for the signs of “this time.” In Luke 12:54 – 56, Christ let them know how they could tell when it was going to rain or when it was going to be hot, however (12:56) they could not discern “this time.” So, it is with many of us during “this time” (these last and evil days), we are not following or seeing the very Word of GOD being fulfilled before our eyes. We are being caught up in this world and in “this life” (my Children, my job, my finances, marriage, etc.) that we are not focused on the things of GOD, nor do we recognize the wiles of the enemy or his attacks. We are not taking the time to go before the LORD and pray or to seek his face, study his Word, or find out his will, by “The WORD of GOD.” Yes, his will is his WORD! That is why he gave us his WORD so that we might know his will. GOD is not first or foremost in our lives.
We are caught up into “Churching” and the Worldly Church and not the Church that was established by Christ and the Holy Apostles. GOD is a wheat farmer, he planted wheat and expects to get back wheat, he is not interested in Chaff (gather the wheat into the barns and gather the chaff to throw it into the fire that it might be burned, Matt:13:30, Matt:3:12 and numerous other times throughout the gospels), he is interested in Sheep and not Goats (see the separation throughout the four gospels). Yet we spend all of our time trying to convert Goats and neglect the Sheep or flock of GOD. Am I saying this or is the Master saying this in every gospel? He even went so far as to tell Peter (3 times), if you love me feed my sheep. Jesus was not trying to convert the Pharisees. Those that were sheep among them, would hear his voice and come out from among them of believe on his Word. This is the same process that applies today and a process that we are not understanding, or we think we have a better way.
We misunderstand what is being said because we are not studying the Word of GOD or we think we have a better way or system? We sometimes will not speak the truth out of fear? Well if I tell them this, they won’t come anymore. If I tell them this, they will stop tithing. Christ told Nicodemus in John 3, accept a man be Born Again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of GOD, accept a man be Born Again, he cannot see the Kingdom of GOD. Yet we make or allow them to now think they can come another way? Right hand of fellowship, singing in the choir, praise dancer, deacon, usher, etc. Yet we find salvation in none of these things? This is not the process to get to GOD, through Christ, according to the “Word of GOD,” the process has not changed. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD!” We must speak and teach the Born Again process, everywhere we go! We must also teach that they must receive the Holy Ghost. If any man hath not the Spirit of GOD, he is none of his. We have got to love them enough to tell them the truth, as Christ did with the young ruler (Jesus looked at him and loved him), he told him what he lacked, and the young ruler left. He called the Samaritan woman a dog and yet she stayed because she wanted what he had (It is not meet to take the bread from the Children and give it unto dogs: Matthew:15:22 - 28). Real love is when we are willing to tell them the truth, knowing that this is what will save their soul from death. We cannot make them a part of something they have no part in, as they have not committed themselves to Christ through the very process the Master set in order. When Christ speaks in Matt:7:21 – 23 he is now telling them they were never his and he never knew them. If they are a Sheep they will hear the calling and hear the Master’s voice. My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow. Dare I say this? Yes. We don’t choose GOD, GOD chooses us (Christ told them, “You have not chosen me, I have chosen you”). They cannot come except they be called and chosen. It is the election of GOD, he chooses whom he will. Jacob and Esau, the children having not yet been born, having done neither good nor evil, GOD said Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated. It is the “election” of GOD, he chose us before the foundation of the world! Christ said I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me. Now you say, we don’t know the difference or who is a sheep and who is a goat. That is a lie as we have the Spirit of GOD in us. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the Children of GOD. The Holy Ghost in you will show you or let you know who “The Children of GOD” are. How can they come, accept they be sent? GOD will send them to us. We are going out trying to track them down, when no Man can come to GOD accept they be drawn. GOD drew us to him. If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.
We are not willing to separate ourselves from the World, but we want to be a part or accepted and that is why we continue to go to places GOD has not sent us. That is why you are rejected when you go in and the Word of GOD and the Truth is not received. We must be led by the Spirit of GOD and he will send us where he wants us to go, and also send to us the ones he wants us to teach. Know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with GOD. In John 4: 20 – 24, Jesus was letting the woman know that the time is going to come and now is, where those that are going to worship GOD are going to worship him in Spirit and in truth! For the Father seeketh such to worship him. GOD has told us to come out from among them and be ye separate. We need to be working the harvest and the harvest is wheat and not chaff, sheep and not goats. Jesus told Peter, “If you love me feed my sheep.”
We fail to understand that there are only two things in the Word of GOD that apply to Sinner Man. Repent and you must be Born Again. Why, because until they have done this, the WORD of GOD does not apply to them. They are not subject to the Law of GOD, neither in deed can be. The WORD of GOD is talking about spiritual things and written for those that are spiritual. When we as Children of GOD go natural or carnal, we cannot receive the things of the Spirit of GOD! I Cor 2:14 is not talking to or about sinner man, it is talking about and to The Children of GOD. When we go natural or carnal we can’t receive the things of the Spirit of GOD. We can’t see, hear from, be taught or be led by the Spirit of GOD. Sinner man can read the Word of GOD front to back, cover to cover and the only thing they will get is their own natural or carnal understanding of what they think the Word is saying.
We are going to find that a lot of us do not want to conform our lifestyle to the Word of GOD, however we want The Word of GOD to conform to our lifestyle. This does not and will not work for GOD. GOD has got to be first and foremost in our life (before everything and everyone else). Who or what shall separate us from the love of GOD? Shall any other creature? We should be seeking GOD daily and communicating with him. We should be actively anticipating and waiting for the second coming of Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ! Watch for you know not what hour Our Lord Cometh. If He come in the first hour be ready, if He come in the second hour be ready, if He come in the third hour be ready. When we look in Luke 12:42 – 46 it is showing us a good and faithful servant and it goes on (same servant) to show how we can become an unprofitable servant and be cut asunder and appointed a portion with the unbelievers. There is no such thing as once saved always saved. He that endureth to the end the same shall be saved! Just as it was in the days of No’e (Noah), so shall it also be in the days of the Son of man. Look around you as in the days of Noah, all flesh upon the earth had become corrupt, evil was running rampant, is it not so now (Luke: 17:26 – 30)? Our job is to keep one another in remembrance of the things the LORD have said and set in order.
I am The Apostle of “The Most High GOD!” I am the Apostle for today’s Church. I have been led by The Spirit of GOD to write this Epistle to The Born Again Children of GOD and the True Church of GOD concerning spiritual matters. I speak not of myself but by the Holy Ghost, if any question this let them seek GOD and he will reveal. I am not the only Apostle of this time there are others and as the LORD leads them, I believe they will speak. For this is what GOD has appointed us to do. It is on us to provide “righteous teaching,” during these last and evil days. It is upon us to be about Our Father’s business.